All About Haylee!

Hello friends!

If you don’t know me, I am the photographer behind Redside Photos- Haylee Rolnick!

The word ‘Redside’ comes from my glasses, because the sides of them are pure red. It came the day where my old glasses broke, and junior high Haylee was petrified. My dad took it upon himself to order me new ones online, and tried to terrify me with it.

He told me he ordered pure pink ones with a butterfly attached to the corner and that I would love it. Then he told me, they’re completely lime-green and super fashionable. After going through days and days of anxiety, my glasses came in.

I still remember the frame style’s name is Oxygen, and my dad got me the black frames with red sides. From then on out, I never ever took them off. My friends began to recognize me at school with these red sides! It became a way to identify me, to select me out of a large crowd. It became important to me, because without them, I can’t see, and without them, my friends had a hard time choosing me out of a mass of students.


After I decided to name my photography business after my identification point, I decided to actually start the business. I was a sophomore in High School, and I was taking my second year of digital photography. At this point, I thought I was sooooo good. Looking back, I realized I had a ton of work to do. Here are some of my old pictures from early high school:


But for some reason, fifteen and sixteen year-old Haylee thought these were amazing, so she kept going. I am so thankful she didn’t give up.


Since then, I have grown so much as a person, photographer, and just in general!

Now, my hobbies include: drawing, painting, reading, and country swing dancing. This swing dancing hobby began almost exactly a year ago, and I can’t IMAGINE where I would be without it. Scootin’ Boots has become my second home over the past year, and I grew a family of friends through it that I am so grateful for. No matter how down or upset I am feeling, I take one step into the room, and it’s like the rest of the world doesn’t exist. Only the music, my friends, and I.

Other than that, my life is quite boring! I work, sleep, eat, and swing dance. Just like you! Except…maybe not the swing dancing part. I want to leave you all with photos of some of my best memories!

Thank you for getting to know me via blog style!! I hope you come back soon!


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